6 min read
Shedlock can be used to have a distributed lock mechanism in Java/JVM applications with postgres or mongo.
Simon Scholz
5 min read
Using Apache PDFBox to manipulate PDF files, such as merging multiple pdfs into one or merge pdf pages or add text etc.
4 min read
Make use of the Google Cloud Pub/Sub with examples using the PubSub Emulator
How do I setup my fresh Ubuntu installation for development
12 min read
This tutorial shows examples on how to use the Java SDK of Commercetools to update different domain objects, e.g. customers, orders and custom objects
Switching both gcloud and kubectl config at once via command line
3 min read
Using jlama and new java vector api to run LLMs with native Java/Kotlin
13 min read
Tutorial about using Ansible to setup your VPS server using Ubuntu
Sending messages, e.g., AdaptiveCard, to a Microsoft Teams channel using workflows via webhook
18 min read
This tutorial depicts how to print documents, e.g., PDFs or Images, using IPP (Internet Printing Protocol) with Java/Kotlin
11 min read
Make use of the Google Cloud Pub/Sub (emulator) with Spring Boot and Quarkus
9 min read
Using Kotlin Coroutines to run tasks concurrently
Install and run FluxCD to configure a kubernetes cluster
Using toml version catalogs in Gradle is a great way to manage dependencies and their versions.
Tutorial for commonly used git commands
2 min read
Security - Tutorial about encrypting and decrypting files or archives using GPG.
How to use Gradle plugins from a local Maven repository without publishing them to a remote repository or the Gradle plugin portal.
This tutorial shows how to read text from images with OCR using Tess4J on Ubuntu
Install Flutter and its depenedencies/pre-requisites on Ubuntu
Giving access to a realm using service providers
Creating a library using Gradle, register at Maven Central and publish it to Maven Central using GitHub Actions
Terraform can apply env variables prefixed with TF_VAR_, so a bash script reading a .env file is helpful to provide sensitive data
Modify requests of RestTemplate by adjusting the request, e.g., by the auth header and custom headers.
Keeping Java dependencies up to date with Maven/Gradle and GitHub`s Dependabot
CLI Tool to download youtube videos or audio
Make use of @ConfigurationProperties or @Value in Spring Boot applications
Often configuration properties need to be in a certain shape in order to be used properly. So why not validate them upfront?
Description on how to create C4 Model diagrams and tools to use it
Tutorial about running Kubernetes locally using kind
Setting up Keycloak v21 (based on Quarkus) with docker compose and connect it to postgres
10 min read
Tutorial on how to create a project for Gatling performance testing with Gradle and Kotlin
Postman is a powerful tool to test rest apis manually. With Newman the CLI tool of postman this process of calling the rest api can be automated. To run such a job GitHub Actions can be utilized.
Tutorial about running Kubernetes locally using Minikube
Alternative shell for linux with enhanced features like command history and auto completion
Export and import keycloak realm as json file including users and roles
Using Kotlin extension functions/methods and create your own custom ones
Tutorial on updating node and npm and package.json dependencies.
Based on an OpenApi api specification the OpenApi generator can to used to create server stubs and web clients.
Explains how to setup GitHub page with Gatsby and how to auto-deploy it using GitHub actions
How to sync your fork on GitHub with the original repository
Tutorial about tools for editing PDF files.
Tutorial about Docker concerning containers and networking.