Print documents using ipp with Java/Kotlin
Simon Scholz2024-09-0918 min readFeedback / Requests?

IPP (Internet Printing Protocol) can be used to send jobs to a printer via internet or local network. For Java and Kotlin there are several libraries, which support finding printer in a network and finally printing documents. In this tutorial we´ll walk through the concepts of finding printers in the network and derive the capabilities of that printer. And then trying to print documents such as images and PDF files by honoring the printer´s capabilities.


  • Java / Kotlin
  • Gradle
  • A printer that supports IPP (Internet Printing Protocol)

Create a project and adding dependencies

The following command will generate a kotlin application project called ipp-print.

gradle init \
    --type kotlin-application \
    --dsl kotlin \
    --test-framework junit-jupiter \
    --project-name ipp-print \
    --package com.example \
    --no-split-project \
    --no-incubating \
    --java-version 21

For other options run gradle help --task init.

Now that we have a project in place we can add the required dependencies to it.

First the libs.versions.toml file in the gradle folder needs to be modified:

ipp-client = "3.1"
jmdns = "3.5.12"
jipp = "0.7.16"
pdfbox = "3.0.3"

ipp-client = { group = "de.gmuth", name = "ipp-client", version.ref = "ipp-client" }
jmdns = { group = "org.jmdns", name = "jmdns", version.ref = "jmdns" }
jipp-core = { group = "com.hp.jipp", name = "jipp-core", version.ref = "jipp" }
jipp-pdl = { group = "com.hp.jipp", name = "jipp-pdl", version.ref = "jipp" }
pdfbox = { group = "org.apache.pdfbox", name = "pdfbox", version.ref = "pdfbox" }
logging = { group = "io.github.oshai", name = "kotlin-logging-jvm", version = "7.0.0" }

Feel free to leave the existing declarations in the libs.versions.toml file as is, but we do not need them for this tutorial.

dependencies {

    // ... other dependencies ...

    // printer libs

For more information on how to use toml files in Gradle please see my other tutorial on this topic:

Finding printers in your local network

The org.jmdns:jmdns:3.5.12 dependency is used to find the printers in your network.

Let´s create a simple Printer data class first to store printers being found in your network:


data class Printer(
    val name: String,
    val ipAddress: URI,

Then we´ll have a PrinterLookup class, which listens for printers in the network:

import io.github.oshai.kotlinlogging.KotlinLogging
import javax.jmdns.JmDNS
import javax.jmdns.ServiceEvent
import javax.jmdns.ServiceListener

class PrinterLookup {
    private val jmdns: JmDNS = JmDNS.create(InetAddress.getLocalHost())
    private val printerSet = mutableSetOf<Printer>()

    val printers get() = printerSet.toSet()

    private val printerServiceListener =
        object : ServiceListener {
            override fun serviceAdded(event: ServiceEvent) {
                logger.debug { "Service added: ${}" }

            override fun serviceRemoved(event: ServiceEvent) {
                logger.debug { "Service removed: ${}" }

            override fun serviceResolved(event: ServiceEvent) {
       { "Service resolved: ${}" }
                val printerUri = URI.create("ipp:/${}/ipp/printer")
                printerSet.add(Printer(, printerUri))

    fun registerPrinterListener() {
        jmdns.addServiceListener(SERVICE_LISTENER_TYPE, printerServiceListener)

    fun unRegisterPrinterListener() {
        jmdns.removeServiceListener(SERVICE_LISTENER_TYPE, printerServiceListener)

    companion object {
        private const val SERVICE_LISTENER_TYPE = "_http._tcp.local."
        private val logger = KotlinLogging.logger {}

Whenever a printer is resolved, we´ll create an instance of the Printer data class and add it to a Set<Printer> in order to avoid duplicate entries. In the next steps the printers being found will actually be used.

Analyze printer capabilities

The main function in the generated App.kt file can now be modified like this:

import de.gmuth.ipp.attributes.DocumentFormat
import de.gmuth.ipp.client.IppPrinter
import java.util.logging.Logger
import kotlin.concurrent.fixedRateTimer

private val javaLogger: Logger = Logger.getLogger("PrinterLogger")

fun main() {

private fun runPrinterLookup() {
    val lookup = PrinterLookup()
    try {

        fixedRateTimer("jobStatusChecker", initialDelay = 1000L, period = 5000L) {

    } finally {

private fun printPrinterData(lookup: PrinterLookup) {
    if (lookup.printers.isNotEmpty()) {
        lookup.printers.forEach {
   { "Log properties of printer: ${}" }
            val ippPrinter = IppPrinter(it.ipAddress)
    } else {
        javaLogger.warning { "Haven´t found any printer yet" }

Here a PrinterLookup instance is created and the registerPrinterListener is being called. Since the listing for printer services might take some time a Scheduler with an initial delay of 10 seconds is being used to allow waiting for printers to be found.

The printPrinterData function then creates an instance of IppPrinter, which is capable to log out the capabilities and settings of the found printers.

For my printer, which is an HP ENVY 4520, the logs look like this:

[JmDNS pool-1-thread-1] INFO com.example.PrinterLookup - Service resolved: [ServiceInfoImpl@295890308 name: 'HP ENVY 4520 series [B519A4]._http._tcp.local.' address: '/ ' status: 'NO DNS state: probing 1 task: null' is persistent, has data, empty]
[JmDNS pool-1-thread-1] INFO com.example.PrinterLookup - Service resolved: [ServiceInfoImpl@173950552 name: 'HP ENVY 4520 series [B519A4]._http._tcp.local.' address: '/ /fe80:0:0:0:ee8e:b5ff:feb5:19a4:80 ' status: 'NO DNS state: probing 1 task: null' is persistent, has data, empty]
[JmDNS pool-1-thread-1] INFO com.example.PrinterLookup - Service resolved: [ServiceInfoImpl@913577167 name: 'HP ENVY 4520 series [B519A4]._http._tcp.local.' address: '/ /fe80:0:0:0:ee8e:b5ff:feb5:19a4:80 /2003:c4:b703:8100:ee8e:b5ff:feb5:19a4:80 ' status: 'NO DNS state: probing 1 task: null' is persistent, has data, empty]
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM com.example.AppKt printPrinterData
INFO: Log properties of printer: HP ENVY 4520 series [B519A4]
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO: PRINTER HPB519A4 (HP ENVY 4520 series)
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-uri-supported (1setOf uri) = ipp://,ipps://
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   uri-security-supported (1setOf keyword) = none,tls
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   uri-authentication-supported (1setOf keyword) = requesting-user-name,requesting-user-name
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-settable-attributes-supported (1setOf keyword) = none
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-wifi-ssid (nameWithoutLanguage) = Himbeereis
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-wifi-state (enum) = 8
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-name (nameWithoutLanguage) = HPB519A4
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-location (textWithoutLanguage) = 
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-more-info (uri) =
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-info (textWithoutLanguage) = HP ENVY 4520 series [B519A4]
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-dns-sd-name (nameWithoutLanguage) = HP ENVY 4520 series [B519A4]
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-make-and-model (textWithoutLanguage) = HP ENVY 4520 series
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-state (enum) = idle
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-state-reasons (1setOf keyword) = none
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-state-message (textWithoutLanguage) = 
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   ipp-versions-supported (1setOf keyword) = 1.0,1.1,2.0
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   operations-supported (1setOf enum) = Print-Job,Validate-Job,Cancel-Job,Cancel-My-Jobs,Get-Job-Attributes,Get-Jobs,Get-Printer-Attributes,Create-Job,Send-Document,Set-Printer-Attributes,Print-URI,Send-URI,Resubmit-Job,Identify-Printer
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   charset-configured (charset) = us-ascii
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   charset-supported (1setOf charset) = us-ascii,utf-8
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   natural-language-configured (naturalLanguage) = en
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   generated-natural-language-supported (1setOf naturalLanguage) = en
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   document-format-default (mimeMediaType) = application/octet-stream
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   document-format-supported (1setOf mimeMediaType) = application/vnd.hp-PCL,image/jpeg,application/PCLm,image/urf,image/pwg-raster,application/octet-stream
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   document-format-version-supported (1setOf textWithoutLanguage) = PCL3GUI,PJL,Automatic,JPEG,PCLM,AppleRaster,PWGRaster
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-is-accepting-jobs (boolean) = true
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   queued-job-count (integer) = 0
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   pdl-override-supported (keyword) = attempted
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-up-time (integer) = 6358 (1970-01-01T01:45:58Z)
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-current-time (no-value) = no-value
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   compression-supported (1setOf keyword) = none,deflate,gzip
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   color-supported (boolean) = true
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   job-creation-attributes-supported (1setOf keyword) = copies,finishings,sides,orientation-requested,media,print-quality,printer-resolution,output-bin,media-col,output-mode,print-content-optimize,pclm-source-resolution,print-color-mode,ipp-attribute-fidelity,job-name,page-ranges,multiple-document-handling,print-rendering-intent,print-scaling
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   reference-uri-schemes-supported (1setOf uriScheme) = http,https
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-device-id (textWithoutLanguage) = MFG:HP;MDL:ENVY 4520 series;CMD:PCL3GUI,PJL,Automatic,JPEG,PCLM,AppleRaster,PWGRaster,DW-PCL,802.11,DESKJET,DYN;CLS:PRINTER;DES:F0V63B;CID:HPIJVIPAV4;LEDMDIS:USB#FF#CC#00,USB#07#01#02,USB#FF#04#01;SN:TH66S3D16K0660;S:038080C480a00001002c2400014c1400028;Z:05000009000009,12000,17000000000000,181;
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-alert (1setOf octetString) = code=unknown;severity=otherother,code=printerReadyToPrint;severity=other;group=generalPrinter,code=printerReadyToPrint;severity=other;group=generalPrinter,code=unknown;severity=other;group=other,code=printerReadyToPrint;severity=other;group=generalPrinter,code=unknown;severity=other;group=other,code=unknown;severity=other;group=other,code=unknown;severity=criticalother,code=unknown;severity=other;group=other,code=printerReadyToPrint;severity=other;group=generalPrinter,code=unknown;severity=other;group=other,code=printerReadyToPrint;severity=other;group=generalPrinter,code=unknown;severity=other;group=other
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-alert-description (1setOf textWithoutLanguage) = supplyInkLevelChange,ready,ready,inPowerSave,ready,inPowerSave,processing,trayOpen,processing,ready,processing,ready,inPowerSave
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-uuid (uri) = urn:uuid:1c852a4d-b800-1f08-abcd-ec8eb5b519a4
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   landscape-orientation-requested-preferred (enum) = 5
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   job-constraints-supported (1setOf collection) = {resolver-name=duplex-sizes sides=two-sided-short-edge,two-sided-long-edge media=na_legal_8.5x14in,na_govt-letter_8x10in,na_invoice_5.5x8.5in,jpn_hagaki_100x148mm,na_index-4x6_4x6in,na_monarch_3.875x7.5in,na_number-10_4.125x9.5in,iso_dl_110x220mm,iso_c5_162x229mm,iso_c6_114x162mm,na_a2_4.375x5.75in,jpn_chou3_120x235mm,jpn_chou4_90x205mm,oe_photo-l_3.5x5in,na_5x7_5x7in,na_personal_3.625x6.5in,iso_b5_176x250mm,om_small-photo_100x150mm,oe_photo_4x5in,na_foolscap_8.5x13in}
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   job-resolvers-supported (1setOf collection) = {resolver-name=duplex-sizes sides=one-sided}
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   ipp-features-supported (1setOf keyword) = airprint-1.4,ipp-everywhere
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   which-jobs-supported (1setOf keyword) = completed,not-completed,all
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   job-ids-supported (boolean) = true
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   requesting-user-uri-supported (boolean) = true
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   multiple-operation-time-out-action (keyword) = process-job
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-geo-location (unknown) = no-value
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   mopria-certified (textWithoutLanguage) = 1.3
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   preferred-attributes-supported (boolean) = false
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-config-change-date-time (no-value) = no-value
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-config-change-time (integer) = 0 (1970-01-01T00:00Z)
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-state-change-date-time (no-value) = no-value
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-state-change-time (integer) = 5028 (1970-01-01T01:23:48Z)
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   document-password-supported (integer) = 0
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-kind (1setOf keyword) = document,envelope,photo,postcard
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   media-supported (1setOf keyword) = na_executive_7.25x10.5in,na_letter_8.5x11in,na_legal_8.5x14in,na_govt-letter_8x10in,na_invoice_5.5x8.5in,iso_a5_148x210mm,iso_a4_210x297mm,jis_b5_182x257mm,jpn_hagaki_100x148mm,iso_a6_105x148mm,na_index-4x6_4x6in,na_index-5x8_5x8in,na_index-3x5_3x5in,na_monarch_3.875x7.5in,na_number-10_4.125x9.5in,iso_dl_110x220mm,iso_c5_162x229mm,iso_c6_114x162mm,na_a2_4.375x5.75in,jpn_chou3_120x235mm,jpn_chou4_90x205mm,oe_photo-l_3.5x5in,na_5x7_5x7in,na_personal_3.625x6.5in,iso_b5_176x250mm,om_small-photo_100x150mm,oe_photo_4x5in,na_foolscap_8.5x13in,custom_min_3x5in,custom_max_8.5x14in
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   media-default (keyword) = iso_a4_210x297mm
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   media-col-supported (1setOf keyword) = media-type,media-size,media-top-margin,media-left-margin,media-right-margin,media-bottom-margin,media-source,media-size-name
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   media-col-default (collection) = {media-size={x-dimension=21000 y-dimension=29700} media-top-margin=296 media-bottom-margin=296 media-left-margin=296 media-right-margin=296 media-source=main media-type=stationery}
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   media-left-margin-supported (1setOf integer) = 296,0
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   media-right-margin-supported (1setOf integer) = 296,0
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   media-top-margin-supported (1setOf integer) = 296,0
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   media-bottom-margin-supported (1setOf integer) = 296,0
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   media-source-supported (1setOf keyword) = main
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   media-type-supported (1setOf keyword) = stationery,photographic-glossy,com.hp.specialty-glossy,com.hp.specialty-matte
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   media-size-supported (1setOf collection) = {x-dimension=18415 y-dimension=26670},{x-dimension=21590 y-dimension=27940},{x-dimension=21590 y-dimension=35560},{x-dimension=20320 y-dimension=25400},{x-dimension=13970 y-dimension=21590},{x-dimension=14800 y-dimension=21000},{x-dimension=21000 y-dimension=29700},{x-dimension=18200 y-dimension=25700},{x-dimension=10000 y-dimension=14800},{x-dimension=10500 y-dimension=14800},{x-dimension=10160 y-dimension=15240},{x-dimension=12700 y-dimension=20320},{x-dimension=7620 y-dimension=12700},{x-dimension=9842 y-dimension=19050},{x-dimension=10477 y-dimension=24130},{x-dimension=11000 y-dimension=22000},{x-dimension=16200 y-dimension=22900},{x-dimension=11400 y-dimension=16200},{x-dimension=11112 y-dimension=14605},{x-dimension=12000 y-dimension=23500},{x-dimension=9000 y-dimension=20500},{x-dimension=8890 y-dimension=12700},{x-dimension=12700 y-dimension=17780},{x-dimension=9207 y-dimension=16510},{x-dimension=17600 y-dimension=25000},{x-dimension=10000 y-dimension=15000},{x-dimension=10160 y-dimension=12700},{x-dimension=21590 y-dimension=33020},{x-dimension=7620..21590 y-dimension=12700..35560}
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   media-ready (1setOf keyword) = iso_a4_210x297mm
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   media-col-ready (1setOf collection) = {media-size={x-dimension=21000 y-dimension=29700} media-top-margin=296 media-bottom-margin=296 media-left-margin=296 media-right-margin=296 media-source=main media-type=stationery},{media-size={x-dimension=21000 y-dimension=29700} media-top-margin=0 media-bottom-margin=0 media-left-margin=0 media-right-margin=0 media-source=main media-type=stationery},{media-size={x-dimension=21000 y-dimension=29700} media-top-margin=296 media-bottom-margin=296 media-left-margin=296 media-right-margin=296 media-source=main media-type=stationery}
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   pages-per-minute (integer) = 9
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   pages-per-minute-color (integer) = 6
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   jpeg-k-octets-supported (rangeOfInteger) = 0-12288
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   jpeg-x-dimension-supported (rangeOfInteger) = 0-8192
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   jpeg-y-dimension-supported (rangeOfInteger) = 1-8192
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   pdf-versions-supported (1setOf keyword) = none
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   urf-supported (1setOf keyword) = CP1,MT1-2-8-9-10-11,PQ3-4-5,RS300,SRGB24,OB9,OFU0,W8-16,DEVW8-16,DEVRGB24-48,ADOBERGB24-48,DM3,IS1,V1.4
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   marker-names (1setOf nameWithoutLanguage) = tri-color ink,black ink
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   marker-colors (1setOf nameWithoutLanguage) = #00FFFF#FF00FF#FFFF00,#000000
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   marker-types (1setOf keyword) = ink-cartridge,ink-cartridge
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   marker-low-levels (1setOf integer) = 1,1
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   marker-high-levels (1setOf integer) = 100,100
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   marker-levels (1setOf integer) = 20,40
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-supply (1setOf octetString) = type=inkCartridge;maxcapacity=100;level=20;class=supplyThatIsConsumed;unit=percent;colorantname=multi-color;,type=inkCartridge;maxcapacity=100;level=40;class=supplyThatIsConsumed;unit=percent;colorantname=black;
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-supply-description (1setOf textWithoutLanguage) = ,
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-firmware-name (1setOf nameWithoutLanguage) = CFP1FN2023BR
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-firmware-string-version (1setOf textWithoutLanguage) = CFP1FN2023BR
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-firmware-version (1setOf octetString) = CFP1FN2023BR
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-input-tray (1setOf octetString) = type=sheetFeedAutoNonRemovable;dimunit=micrometers;mediafeed=297000;mediaxfeed=210000;maxcapacity=-2;level=-2;status=0;name=InputTray1
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-output-tray (1setOf octetString) = type=unknown;maxcapacity=-2;remaining=-2;status=5;stackingorder=unknown;pagedelivery=faceUp;name=OutputTray1
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   copies-default (integer) = 1
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   finishings-default (1setOf enum) = none
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   orientation-requested-default (enum) = portrait
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   print-quality-default (enum) = normal
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-resolution-default (resolution) = 300 dpi
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   sides-default (keyword) = one-sided
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   output-bin-default (keyword) = face-up
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   output-mode-default (keyword) = auto
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   print-color-mode-default (keyword) = auto
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   multiple-document-handling-default (keyword) = separate-documents-uncollated-copies
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   number-up-default (integer) = 1
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   presentation-direction-number-up-default (keyword) = toright-tobottom
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   print-rendering-intent-default (keyword) = auto
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   print-scaling-default (keyword) = auto
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   copies-supported (rangeOfInteger) = 1-99
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   finishings-supported (1setOf enum) = none
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   orientation-requested-supported (1setOf enum) = portrait
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   print-quality-supported (1setOf enum) = draft,normal,high
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-resolution-supported (1setOf resolution) = 300 dpi
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   sides-supported (1setOf keyword) = one-sided,two-sided-short-edge,two-sided-long-edge
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   output-bin-supported (1setOf keyword) = face-up
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   output-mode-supported (1setOf keyword) = auto,auto-monochrome,monochrome,color
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   print-color-mode-supported (1setOf keyword) = auto,auto-monochrome,monochrome,color,process-monochrome
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   page-ranges-supported (boolean) = true
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   multiple-document-handling-supported (1setOf keyword) = separate-documents-uncollated-copies,separate-documents-collated-copies
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   number-up-supported (1setOf integer) = 1
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   presentation-direction-number-up-supported (1setOf keyword) = toright-tobottom
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   print-rendering-intent-supported (1setOf keyword) = auto,perceptual
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   print-scaling-supported (1setOf keyword) = auto,auto-fit,fill,fit,none
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-icons (1setOf uri) =,,
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-supply-info-uri (uri) =
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   print-content-optimize-default (keyword) = auto
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   print-content-optimize-supported (1setOf keyword) = auto,photo,graphics,text,text-and-graphics
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   pwg-raster-document-sheet-back (keyword) = rotated
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   pwg-raster-document-type-supported (1setOf keyword) = sgray_8,srgb_8,adobe-rgb_8,sgray_16,srgb_16,adobe-rgb_16,rgb_8,rgb_16
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   pwg-raster-document-resolution-supported (1setOf resolution) = 300 dpi
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   epcl-version-supported (textWithoutLanguage) = 1.0
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   manual-duplex-supported (boolean) = false
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   pclm-source-resolution-supported (1setOf resolution) = 300 dpi,600 dpi
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   pclm-source-resolution-default (resolution) = 600 dpi
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   pclm-strip-height-supported (integer) = 16
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   pclm-strip-height-preferred (1setOf integer) = 16
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   pclm-raster-back-side (keyword) = rotated
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   pclm-compression-method-preferred (1setOf keyword) = jpeg,flate,rle
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   document-format-varying-attributes (1setOf keyword) = copies
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-get-attributes-supported (1setOf keyword) = document-format
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-organization (1setOf textWithoutLanguage) = 
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   printer-organizational-unit (1setOf textWithoutLanguage) = 
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   identify-actions-default (1setOf keyword) = display
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   identify-actions-supported (1setOf keyword) = display,pin
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   limit-operations-supported (enum) = 10
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   multiple-operation-time-out (integer) = 120
Sep 13, 2024 11:37:31 PM de.gmuth.ipp.core.IppAttributesGroup log
INFO:   multiple-document-jobs-supported (boolean) = false

Printing documents

In order to print documents the logs above can give you important insights what your printer is capable of. Especially the supported formats listed as mimeMediaType are important to honor, because the printer might otherwise raise errors.

INFO:   document-format-supported (1setOf mimeMediaType) = application/vnd.hp-PCL,image/jpeg,application/PCLm,image/urf,image/pwg-raster,application/octet-stream

The de.gmuth.ipp.attributes.DocumentFormat class consists of the most commonly used document format mediaMimeTypes:

  • application/octet-stream
  • application/postscript
  • application/pdf
  • image/pwg-raster
  • image/tiff
  • image/jpeg
  • image/png
  • vnd.hp-PCL

Printing an image

When I now try using DocumentFormat.PNG meaning image/png with my printer, it would result in an IppExchangeException:

Sep 13, 2024 9:58:39 PM de.gmuth.ipp.client.IppValueSupport isAttributeValueSupported
WARNING: According to printer attributes value 'image/png' is not supported.
Sep 13, 2024 9:58:40 PM de.gmuth.ipp.client.IppValueSupport isAttributeValueSupported
WARNING: document-format-supported (1setOf mimeMediaType) = application/vnd.hp-PCL,image/jpeg,application/PCLm,image/urf,image/pwg-raster,application/octet-stream
Exception in thread "main" de.gmuth.ipp.client.IppExchangeException: Print-Job failed: 'client-error-document-format-not-supported'
    at de.gmuth.ipp.client.IppClient.validateResponse(IppClient.kt:120)

But other image formats being supported by my printer are: image/jpeg, image/urf and image/pwg-raster.

In order to print an image you should choose the format, which is supported by your printer. In my case I´ll go for JPEG and therefore copy a simonscholz-website-qr.jpg file into my resources folder.

fun main() {
    // runPrinterLookup()

private fun printImage() {
    val ippPrinter = IppPrinter("ipp://")
    Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader.getResourceAsStream("simonscholz-website-qr.jpg")?.let {
        val printJob =
                inputStream = it,
        fixedRateTimer("jobStatusChecker", initialDelay = 1000L, period = 5000L) {
            val jobAttributes = ippPrinter.getJob(

   { "Job Update: $jobAttributes" }
   { "Job State: ${jobAttributes.state}" }
    } ?: throw IllegalStateException("Cannot find image")

The printImage function creates an IppPrinter instance using the current IP-Address of my printer. Then the simonscholz-website-qr.jpg image file is loaded from the resources folder and passed to the printJob function of the IppPrinter. The fixedRateTimer is again used to track and print the state of the print job.

Printing a pdf

In case your printer supports application/pdf as document format you´re lucky and simply can use the following, similar to what we´ve done with the JPEG image.

val yourPdfInputStream = getYourPdfInputStream()
val printJob =
        inputStream = yourPdfInputStream,

In my case I again receive the de.gmuth.ipp.client.IppExchangeException: Print-Job failed: 'client-error-document-format-not-supported' error. How to cope with this issue is explained in the next section.

Cope with pdf printing issues

My printer does not directly support application/pdf as format that´s why I need to convert my pdf files into pwg-raster files. Doing so can be done using JIPP.

This issue is the reason why I added the com.hp.jipp:jipp-core:0.7.16, com.hp.jipp:jipp-pdl:0.7.16 and org.apache.pdfbox:pdfbox:3.0.3 dependencies.

import com.hp.jipp.model.MediaSource
import com.hp.jipp.model.Sides
import com.hp.jipp.pdl.ColorSpace
import com.hp.jipp.pdl.OutputSettings
import com.hp.jipp.pdl.RenderableDocument
import com.hp.jipp.pdl.RenderablePage
import com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgSettings
import com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgWriter
import org.apache.pdfbox.Loader
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPageTree
import org.apache.pdfbox.rendering.ImageType
import org.apache.pdfbox.rendering.PDFRenderer

class PdfToPwg {
    fun turnPdfInputStreamIntoRenderableDocument(pdfInputStream: InputStream): RenderableDocument {
        pdfInputStream.use { pdf ->
            RandomAccessReadBuffer(pdf).use { randomAccessReadBuffer ->
                return Loader.loadPDF(randomAccessReadBuffer).use {
                    val pdfRenderer = PDFRenderer(it)
                    val pages: PDPageTree = it.pages
                    val renderablePages = mutableListOf<RenderablePage>()

                    for (pageIndex in 0 until pages.count) {
                        val image = pdfRenderer.renderImageWithDPI(pageIndex, DPI, IMAGE_TYPE)
                        val width = image.width
                        val height = image.height

                        val renderablePage: RenderablePage =
                            object : RenderablePage(width, height) {
                                override fun render(
                                    yOffset: Int,
                                    swathHeight: Int,
                                    colorSpace: ColorSpace,
                                    byteArray: ByteArray,
                                ) {
                                    var red: Int
                                    var green: Int
                                    var blue: Int
                                    var rgb: Int

                                    var byteIndex = 0
                                    for (y in yOffset until (yOffset + swathHeight)) {
                                        for (x in 0 until width) {
                                            rgb = image.getRGB(x, y)
                                            red = (rgb shr 16) and 0xFF
                                            green = (rgb shr 8) and 0xFF
                                            blue = rgb and 0xFF

                                            if (colorSpace === ColorSpace.Grayscale) {
                                                byteArray[byteIndex++] =
                                                    (RED_COEFFICIENT * red + GREEN_COEFFICIENT * green + BLUE_COEFFICIENT * blue)
                                            } else {
                                                byteArray[byteIndex++] = red.toByte()
                                                byteArray[byteIndex++] = green.toByte()
                                                byteArray[byteIndex++] = blue.toByte()


                    object : RenderableDocument() {
                        override fun iterator(): Iterator<RenderablePage> = renderablePages.iterator()

                        override val dpi: Int
                            get() = DPI.toInt()

    fun writeRenderableDocumentAsPWG(
        renderableDocument: RenderableDocument,
        outputStream: OutputStream,
    ) {
        val outputSettings = OutputSettings(ColorSpace.Rgb, Sides.oneSided,, null, false)
        val caps = PwgSettings(outputSettings)

        PwgWriter(outputStream, caps).use {

    companion object {
        const val DPI: Float = 300f
        val IMAGE_TYPE: ImageType = ImageType.RGB
        const val RED_COEFFICIENT: Double = 0.2126
        const val GREEN_COEFFICIENT: Double = 0.7512
        const val BLUE_COEFFICIENT: Double = 0.0722

This PdfToPwg class is inspired by the JIPP sample code.

Now let´s make use of the PdfToPwg to convert our pdf file into the pwg format and print it.

fun main() {
    // runPrinterLookup()
    // printImage()

private fun convertPdfToPwgAndPrintPwg() {
    val ippPrinter = IppPrinter("ipp://")
    Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader.getResourceAsStream("website.pdf")?.let {
        val pdfToPwg = PdfToPwg()
        val renderableDocument = pdfToPwg.turnPdfInputStreamIntoRenderableDocument(it)
        val pwgOutputStream = ByteArrayOutputStream()
        pdfToPwg.writeRenderableDocumentAsPWG(renderableDocument, pwgOutputStream)

        val printJob =
                inputStream = ByteArrayInputStream(pwgOutputStream.toByteArray()),
        fixedRateTimer("jobStatusChecker", initialDelay = 1000L, period = 5000L) {
            val jobAttributes = ippPrinter.getJob(

   { "Job Update: $jobAttributes" }
   { "Job State: ${jobAttributes.state}" }
    } ?: throw IllegalStateException("Cannot find pdf")

If everything works and the printer is responsive the logs should look like this:

Sep 13, 2024 11:15:21 PM com.example.AppKt$convertPdfToPwgAndPrintPwg$lambda$2$$inlined$fixedRateTimer$default$1 run
INFO: Job Update: Job #5, state=processing (reasons=none), name=ipp://, impressions-completed=0, originating-user-name=simon, printer-uri=ipp://, uri=ipp://
Sep 13, 2024 11:15:21 PM com.example.AppKt$convertPdfToPwgAndPrintPwg$lambda$2$$inlined$fixedRateTimer$default$1 run
INFO: Job State: processing
Sep 13, 2024 11:15:26 PM com.example.AppKt$convertPdfToPwgAndPrintPwg$lambda$2$$inlined$fixedRateTimer$default$1 run
INFO: Job Update: Job #5, state=completed (reasons=none), name=ipp://, impressions-completed=1, originating-user-name=simon, printer-uri=ipp://, uri=ipp://
Sep 13, 2024 11:15:26 PM com.example.AppKt$convertPdfToPwgAndPrintPwg$lambda$2$$inlined$fixedRateTimer$default$1 run
INFO: Job State: completed

Visualize pwg files

In order to visualize pwg files tools like Rasterview can be used.

I installed it using snap on my Ubuntu OS.

sudo snap install rasterview

So instead of writing the converted PWG to a ByteArrayOutputStream it can also be passed to a FileOutputStream:

fun main() {
    // runPrinterLookup()
    // printImage()
    // convertPdfToPwgAndPrintPwg()

private fun justConvertPwg() {
    Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader.getResourceAsStream("website.pdf")?.let {
        val pdfToPwg = PdfToPwg()
        val renderableDocument = pdfToPwg.turnPdfInputStreamIntoRenderableDocument(it)
        pdfToPwg.writeRenderableDocumentAsPWG(renderableDocument, FileOutputStream("/home/simon/website.pwg"))

And now rasterview can be used to open the website.pwg file in my home directory.
